Annette Kohn-Lau, N.D.

Creating healthy, supportive community and empowering individuals to restore wholeness of body, mind and spirit.

Through the practice of Traditional Naturopathy, we reconnect with the natural world and all its gifts, including our own innate healing powers. Through this connection, we seek to understand the root cause of our “dis-ease”, and we discover that we do indeed have choices.

My Philosophy

“As a Naturopath, I see myself as a companion and coach on your journey to wellness and wholeness. You and your body have innate and intuitive wisdom and my greatest joy is in helping you to discover and trust this wisdom. I also believe that your body is created to work in harmony with the healing support that comes from nature.

I begin by listening carefully and compassionately to all that your body is telling you in the way of “symptoms”. We may explore how thoughts and emotions contribute to your physical “dis-ease”. Some of the tools I use to gain insights into your body’s messages and unique requirements include assessment of key meridian points, reflexology, neuro-lingual testing of specific nutrients, and computer analysis of most recent blood work. After the initial consultation, we may also consider non invasive testing of urine, stool, hair or saliva.

I will collaborate with you on a plan for wellness, with nutrition as the cornerstone. In addition to a nutritional plan, I will suggest appropriate body or energy work, lifestyle opportunities, targeted supplements, individualized detoxification programs, assistance from the plant kingdom in the form of herbal formulations or essential oils, and the gentle energies of homeopathics.

In addition to Naturopathic practice, I also offer Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Reiki, Reflexology, Infant Massage, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage. These sessions have been described as deeply relaxing, supportive and healing.”

Credentials & Education


2006 – 2008

Some Funky PHD

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2004 – 2008

Some Ivy League College

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2000 – 2004

Some funky Highschool in Jersey

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Previous Jobs

2012 – 2015

Mental Fitness LLC

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  • Nullaollis pretium.
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2008 – 2012

Body and Health Inc.

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  • Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
  • Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
  • Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.